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title: Callbacks today ! Hello :D Well, the callbacks for Spectrum is today. Drama is starting in a few minutes time, btw. All the best to all of you. Tell me, who wouldn't want a role to play !? (: As for me, I'm at home. Why ? Because I'm sick. Ya, i know.. You might be going.. "Omg, Fana has H1N1 ! " Apparently, I don't. Hehehe. Just a fever & v. bad cough. I really wanted to go for Drama today but since the docs gave me 2 days MC, I have no choice, i guess. On the other hand, Salihan is in the Finals for Greenridge Idol today ! All the best to him & hopefully, he'll clinch the title of our very own Greenridge Idol this year. I might not be there, but you have my support from all the way here. You Go Salihan ;P & yea, where you people at ? It's weird cause there are like only 2 tags from me & Glenn at the tagboard:} . Spread the word & start tagging. Or else... it might turn out dead ;P Take Care Pepo's :D -Fana Farhana |