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title: Rehearsal, Rehearsal, Rehearsal.. Hello Readers ! Well, how have ya'll been ? Great, i hope (: I'm sure all of us are busy with our preparation for our End Of Year exams and at the same time our preparation for Spectrum too. I'm sure schedules are hectic for most of us especially for our dearest upper sec but lets pull this through together ! I'm sure if we work extra hard, the outcome will be just as great (: Now... Nobody, Nobody but you.. The box girls trying to figure out their steps -.- I still remeber this ! Don't you ? HAHAHHAHAHHA.. Guess who the person is and what he was doing ;) Remember your dance steps for the respective dance Drama people ! and Please, come for Drama(: We've got not much time left since EOY exams are in 2 weeks down and CCA will have to step down. I'm sure ya'll understand :D -Take Care ! |